If he scores another few, the world could be a better place
Researchers suggest that a footballer’s on-pitch success in England could lead to a sharp decline in hate crime. This is an opportunity for clubs to make a real difference.
Researchers suggest that a footballer’s on-pitch success in England could lead to a sharp decline in hate crime. This is an opportunity for clubs to make a real difference.
8 months ago
The past few days suggest that you can find out things you did not want to know about footballers even when they're on cloud number nine.8 months ago
Domestic abuse soars when England lose. This Euros, we need change
aWomen's Aid is calling for more awareness around how domestic abuse increases when England play such as during Euro 2024.8 months ago
United for football, divided right after?
“United by football.” UEFA bosses picked the slogan to show their tournament would welcome everyone while less welcoming politics are on the rise.